The Project Team’s Efforts to Integrate Global Compensation Marketing
The TouchCon project watched with deep insight into gift and reward app marketing derived from the development of the Internet and mobile industry.
While observing the evolution of the points and mileage, gift and reward apps, the project team in depth observed and analyzed whether there were any antagonism, dissatisfaction, or problems between users and companies.
As a result, the team came up with an innovative reward marketing design for the Internet and mobile era, which we called Rewardcon. Rewardcon is the core content of the TouchCon platform that combines rewards, meaning rewards, and icons, representing trends.
Reward marketing, which will now be called Rewardcon, will be a very important source of driving the TouchCon platform, and it will be a very exciting journey that can solve all the problems of reward marketing, such as point, gift, and reward app marketing, at the same time. will be
The project teams will now document the great journey here and inform the global free people. We look forward to your active participation.
TouchCon Project Team